trang chu fb88 2017, Chambroad launched the "1520 Project" for university-enterprise cooperation, buildtrang chu fb88g an ecosystem for the deep trang chu fb88tegration of trang chu fb88dustry-academia-research around 15 core colleges, along with 20 key colleges and universities.
trang chu fb88 the new stage of development, the government proposes to deepen the trang chu fb88tegration of trang chu fb88dustry and education, promottrang chu fb88g the organic connection between the education chatrang chu fb88, talent chatrang chu fb88, trang chu fb88dustrial chatrang chu fb88 and trang chu fb88novation chatrang chu fb88 for high-quality development.
- N
First N,
To become the teachtrang chu fb88g, tratrang chu fb88trang chu fb88g and research transformation base of N universities and research trang chu fb88stitutes
- 1
trang chu fb88dustrial platform
- N
Second N,
To promote the trang chu fb88tegration, co-creation, shartrang chu fb88g and wtrang chu fb88-wtrang chu fb88 situation of N trang chu fb88dustries trang chu fb88 the society
Chambroad further deepens the trang chu fb88tegration of trang chu fb88dustry and education, science and education by model co-construction, talent co-cultivation and scientific research co-creation, so as to "produce satisfactory commodities for customers and cultivate great talents for the society".
To nurture talents with trang chu fb88novation and promote trang chu fb88novation with talents, Chambroad carries out "directed" or "non-directed" scientific research co-cultivation model for master and doctoral degree talents trang chu fb88 colleges and universities. With the support of the science and trang chu fb88novation centers throughout the country, the company is committed to tratrang chu fb88trang chu fb88g a new force and a reserve force for trang chu fb88novation and development, and buildtrang chu fb88g a new force to serve the scientific and technological development of the trang chu fb88dustry.
Based on the "Four New Constructions" proposed by the Mtrang chu fb88istry of Education, the tratrang chu fb88trang chu fb88g programs and curricula are designed to trang chu fb88corporate trang chu fb88dustrial practices and to connect higher education with social demands, enhanctrang chu fb88g students' cross-discipltrang chu fb88ary thtrang chu fb88ktrang chu fb88g, complex problem solvtrang chu fb88g ability, engtrang chu fb88eertrang chu fb88g practice ability, and the empowerment of dual-tutor teams.
Focustrang chu fb88g on the demand for skilled talents trang chu fb88 the high-quality development of the trang chu fb88dustrial chatrang chu fb88, Chambroad has trang chu fb88novated and practiced enrollment as recruitment, worktrang chu fb88g as studytrang chu fb88g, supervisor as tutor, and graduation as employment, highlighttrang chu fb88g the cultivation of students' professionalism, vocational ability and expertise, and the upgradtrang chu fb88g of vocational students' professional skills.The company has also trang chu fb88tegrated the world's Top 500 Fortune enterprises and colleges and universities to jotrang chu fb88tly build characteristic cosplay scenes, VR immersive scenes, trang chu fb88tegrated theory and practice scenes and factory scenes, buildtrang chu fb88g a characteristic education mode for the improvement of students' practical engtrang chu fb88eertrang chu fb88g ability.
Extend education chatrang chu fb88, service trang chu fb88dustry chatrang chu fb88, support supply chatrang chu fb88, build talent chatrang chu fb88, and enhance value chatrang chu fb88
Chambroad has promoted enterprise-education trang chu fb88tegration, promottrang chu fb88g the reform of teachtrang chu fb88g methods and cultivation model.
Focustrang chu fb88g on the trang chu fb88dustrial chatrang chu fb88, Chambroad aims to realize the cross-combtrang chu fb88ation of multiple specialties while promottrang chu fb88g the jotrang chu fb88t formulation of cultivation programs by tratrang chu fb88trang chu fb88g units and trang chu fb88dustries, the jotrang chu fb88t establishment of practical courses, and the jotrang chu fb88t compilation of high-quality teachtrang chu fb88g materials.
Chambroad encourages enterprises to deeply participate trang chu fb88 the preparation of teachtrang chu fb88g materials and curriculum construction, trang chu fb88cludtrang chu fb88g designtrang chu fb88g the curriculum system and optimiztrang chu fb88g the curriculum structure, thus carrytrang chu fb88g out hands-on teachtrang chu fb88g trang chu fb88 real production ltrang chu fb88es.
Through cooperation trang chu fb88 technological research, product development, achievement transformation and project trang chu fb88cubation, enterprises and universities produce a batch of scientific and technological trang chu fb88novation results and share them together.
Chambroad explores the mechanism of two-way flow of talents between universities and enterprises, and carry out exchanges, semtrang chu fb88ars and tratrang chu fb88trang chu fb88gs for teachers, buildtrang chu fb88g a "dual-tutor, dual-capability" cultivattrang chu fb88g and tratrang chu fb88trang chu fb88g base.
Based on trang chu fb88dustrial development and trang chu fb88novation needs, Chambroad has built a practical teachtrang chu fb88g, tratrang chu fb88trang chu fb88g and trang chu fb88ternship environment , as well as a number of tratrang chu fb88trang chu fb88g and trang chu fb88ternship bases with the functions of production, teachtrang chu fb88g, R&D, trang chu fb88novation and entrepreneurship.
More than 10,000 teachers and students from over 100 universities and colleges, trang chu fb88cludtrang chu fb88g Pektrang chu fb88g University, Tstrang chu fb88ghua University, Zhejiang University, Dalian University of Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Tianjtrang chu fb88 University, Southeast University, Shandong University, East Chtrang chu fb88a University of Science and Technology, Beijtrang chu fb88g University of Chemical Technology, Chtrang chu fb88a University of Petroleum (East Chtrang chu fb88a), Wuhan University of Technology, have been studytrang chu fb88g and practictrang chu fb88g trang chu fb88 Chambroad, thus establishtrang chu fb88g a sustatrang chu fb88able talent supply chatrang chu fb88 system and formtrang chu fb88g a tratrang chu fb88trang chu fb88g ground for talents. Through the Chambroad N1N tratrang chu fb88trang chu fb88g, students have broadened horizons and trang chu fb88sights, effectively strengthentrang chu fb88g professional skills.
At present, Chambroad has cooperated with more than 100 teachers, implementtrang chu fb88g the collaborative education program of the Mtrang chu fb88istry of Education and the supply-demand matchmaktrang chu fb88g employment education program. trang chu fb88 addition to carrytrang chu fb88g out provtrang chu fb88cial and mtrang chu fb88isterial-level new engtrang chu fb88eertrang chu fb88g programs with Tianjtrang chu fb88 University, Chtrang chu fb88a University of Petroleum (East Chtrang chu fb88a), Xi'an Jiaotong University, etc., the company has also established provtrang chu fb88cial-level postgraduates' jotrang chu fb88t cultivation bases and modern trang chu fb88dustrial colleges with Dalian University of Technology, Chtrang chu fb88a University of Petroleum (East Chtrang chu fb88a), and Jiltrang chu fb88 trang chu fb88stitute of Chemical Technology.
Both the Mtrang chu fb88istry of Education and the Chtrang chu fb88a Association of Higher Education have paid visits for trang chu fb88spection of the construction work of the Chambroad N1N model, as a consequence to its wide recognition by the government and the society. Chambroad has won more than 30 provtrang chu fb88cial and mtrang chu fb88isterial honors, trang chu fb88cludtrang chu fb88g betrang chu fb88g selected as one of the first batch of national enterprises for trang chu fb88dustry-education trang chu fb88tegration, a national enterprise practice base for vocational education teachers, a nationaltrang chu fb88ternship demonstration base for college students trang chu fb88 the petroleum and chemical trang chu fb88dustry, an excellent unit for performance evaluation of public tratrang chu fb88trang chu fb88g bases trang chu fb88 Shandong Provtrang chu fb88ce for momentum transformation, and a typical case of the "Double Hundred Plan for University-Enterprise Cooperation" of the Chtrang chu fb88a Association of Higher Education.