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Ontario, Canada


In Development

Proposed Capacity



Natural Gas
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In Development
Proposed Capacity



Natural Gas
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Ontario’s Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) has identified a significant need for new power supply in the free online roulette games province. At the system level, the IESO is projecting a generation capacity deficit starting in 2025. This project is part of an overall effort to help meet increasing local and provincial electricity demands by providing critical generation support, better enabling both a reliable supply of electricity and flexibility in support of intermittent renewable energy sources like wind and solar energy.

Leveraging existing natural gas facilities by providing new or extended contracts, as well as upgrading and expanding capacity, was identified by the IESO as critical for maintaining reliability over the medium term. The IESO’s Same Technology Upgrades procurement program aimed to procure 300 MW of capacity through improvements to existing facilities across Ontario. Proposed upgrades to the YEC were part of this targeted call for capacity increases from existing facilities. Capital Power executed a contract with the IESO in mid-2023. play roulette

Notice of Completion

Capital Power has completed an environmental review to assess the potential environmental effects of the York Energy Centre Upgrades Project. The Environmental Review Report (ERR) was available for public review and comment free online roulette games for 30-calendar days from July 18 to August 19, 2024. The comment period is now closed and Capital Power is working to address the comments received, where possible. The ERR and Notice of Completion are below.

Comments and questions are welcome by conversation or in writing:

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Senior Specialist, Environment
Address: 18781 Dufferin Street, Newmarket, ON L3Y 4V9
Phone: 1-855-703-5005
Fax: 780-392-5927
Email: [email protected]

Project details

The upgrades will be limited to the replacement of a variety of gas turbine parts with more advanced technology, upgradable materials, and/or higher performance levels. Upgrades also include a power augmentation system in the form of inlet air cooling, replacement of cooling fans, and updates to control logic programming. The upgrades would be completed during a regularly scheduled maintenance outage in March 2025.

Project construction work is related only to equipment upgrades within the existing YEC. No physical earthworks are required outside of the existing facility footprint, and there will be no changes to current use or maintenance practices at the facility.

Regulatory process

According to Ontario Regulation 50/24 (Part II.3 Projects – Designations and Exemptions) under the Environmental Assessment Act, modifications to a natural gas-fired generating facility that increase the facility’s capacity by 5 MW or more are subject to review free online roulette games under the Environmental Screening Process for Electricity Projects (ESP).

The ESP has two tiers of assessment: Screening Stage and Environmental Review Stage. Capital Power has voluntarily completed an Environmental Review.

The Environmental Review assessed potential environmental impacts of the equipment upgrades, which are limited to minor changes in air emissions that will continue to meet provincial emission requirements.

The results of the assessment were documented in an Environmental Review Report that was made available for public review. The Environmental Review assessed potential effects of the equipment upgrades but did not re-evaluate the previously approved, operating YEC facility.

The Project will also require an amendment to the YEC’s existing Environmental Compliance Approval (Air & Noise). No other federal, provincial, or municipal/local permits or approvals are anticipated to be required.

On September 5, 2024, Capital Power submitted its Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) – Air & Noise Amendment Application for the project to MECP.

Consultation and engagement

We value and consider local community interests and priorities. We engage government, employees, local communities, investors, shareholders, and Indigenous communities. Please contact us if you have any questions or comments or want to be added to the project mailing list.

Project Contact