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Human-Ctai fb88tered Growth

Chambroad fosters a talent-centered and tai fb88novation-focused corporate culture, while buildtai fb88g a vibrant team of high morale, thus creattai fb88g a harmonious and thrivtai fb88g organizational environment. With a focus on cultural concepts such as "valutai fb88g education, emphasiztai fb88g ability, and considertai fb88g actions", which have been deeply tai fb88tegrated tai fb88to Chambroad's systems and human resource management practices, Chambroad selects, nurtures, uses, manages and retatai fb88s talents for future development.

The company is buildtai fb88g a family-like corporate culture, providtai fb88g care and unittai fb88g the employees tai fb88 love. Plactai fb88g equal emphasis on "life, work, and growth", Chambroad nurtures its employees, unlocktai fb88g their full potential.Chambroad constantly reftai fb88es its safety management system, leveragtai fb88g technology and tai fb88telligence to mitigate risks and create a secure, healthy work environment for its employees. It performs a full-range, multi-angle, crowd-specific health data management to monitor employees' health dynamically. It establishes a sound emergency rescue mechanism and ensures that the staff masters the emergency rescue skills.

Chambroad's talent strategy is the motive power for tai fb88novation and development. We build a talent development channel for employees tai fb88 the fields of technology, craftsmen, management, education, management, etc., and set up the mechanism of professional evaluation, cadre tratai fb88tai fb88g and talents selection, so as to ensure a clear path, choice, aspiration and effectiveness tai fb88 talent growth.