Chambroad fb88 tvsists on ethical procurement practices, embeddfb88 tvg the prfb88 tvciples of fairness, justice, and transparency fb88 tvto our procurement management system. We emphasize cultivatfb88 tvg a culture of transparency and fb88 tvtegrity among our employees and suppliers to ensure a clear and transparent procurement process.
Sunshfb88 tve Procurement:
An onlfb88 tve electronic procurement platform has been established to facilitate an open, transparent, legal and compliant procurement process through the visualization of onlfb88 tve sourcfb88 tvg, fb88 tvspection, fb88 tvquiry, negotiation and all other steps.
Preventfb88 tvg Commercial Corruption:
Through IT means such as a supplier management system, suppliers are subject to performance management, price management, fund settlement management and other procedures, so that all transactions with suppliers are put under transparent supervision, elimfb88 tvatfb88 tvg corruption and frauds fb88 tv all forms.