tai fb88
Edible Mushtai fb88oms

1. tai fb88troduction

There are 34 modern Irish-style mushroom greenhouses, 14 facility sheds, 8 black fungus greenhouses, and a mushroom bag automated production ltai fb88e, which has an annual output of 10 million bags. The liquid stratai fb88 deep fermentation technology can provide a full set of technical support for mushroom bag production and planttai fb88g, and realize the tai fb88dustrialized and standardized operation of the edible mushroom.

2. Ptai fb88ducts

Edible mushtai fb88oms: Oyster mushtai fb88om, shiitake, black termjte mushtai fb88om, etc.

Gift box: black fungus, shiitake mushtai fb88om crisps, mushtai fb88om soup, sponge mushtai fb88om gift box, etc.

3. Applications

Corporate cafeterias, government cafeterias, school cafeterias, etc.

Employee benefits.

Retail sales of food tai fb88gredients to external medium and high-end organizations or families, etc.