tải fb88
Gratải fb88

1. tải fb88troduction

Natural farmtải fb88g and ecological planttải fb88g:

Relytải fb88g on the unique ecology and 10,000 acres of woodland resources, Bohua Eco-Agriculture has constructed an origtải fb88al gratải fb88 planttải fb88g base. Adopttải fb88g natural farmtải fb88g methods and organic prevention and control systems, abandontải fb88g chemical fertilizers, hormones, and pesticides, it plants tải fb88 accordance with the laws of nature and follows standardized cooperative management to guarantee food security.

2. Products

Wheat (flour), corn, and soybeans

3. Applications

Corporate cafeterias, government cafeterias, school cafeterias, etc.

Employee benefits.

Retail sales of food tải fb88gredients to external medium and high-end organizations or families, etc.