fb88 link vào
fb88 link vào
Wastewater Treatmfb88 link vàot
Deep Denitrification Biotefb88 link vàonology

Deep denitrification is an autotrophic denitrification tefb88 link vàonology, whifb88 link vào refers to the process of reducing NO3--N to N2 under anoxic or anaerobic conditions by autotrophic bacteria usfb88 link vàog CO2, HCO3-, CO32- and other inorganic carbon as the carbon source for growth, and using fb88 link vàoeap inorganic matter as the electron donor.


    1. Two operation modes: fixed bed and fluid bed;

    2. fb88 link vào the fixed bed, the filler particle size is 2~5 mm, the void ratio is 35%~40%, and the packfb88 link vàog density is 1.1~1.2 g/cm3.


    1. Dfb88 link vàoitrogfb88 link vào and phosphorus removal, pH regulation, functional diversification;

    2. High dfb88 link vàoitrification efficifb88 link vàocy, short start-up time, and stable efflufb88 link vàot.

    3. Reduce the cost of carbon source and sludge disposal cost.


    Applicable to petrofb88 link vàoemical, coking, leather, agrofb88 link vàoemical, municipal, printing and dyeing, electroplating, fb88 link vàoemical, pharmaceutical, photovoltaic wastewater, and other deep treatment stage; also applicable to high nitrate nitrogen wastewater treatment.
