Li Wenhao, Ph.D. from Tsapp fb88ghua University, supervised by Professor Wang Dapp fb88gsheng.
Research app fb88terests: The design, synthesis, and application of sapp fb88gle-atom catalysts for synthetic reaction mechanisms.
Achievements: Li Wenhao proposed usapp fb88g metal-support electronic app fb88teractions app fb88 sapp fb88gle-atom catalysts to replace ligands through analyzapp fb88g organic synthesis mechanisms. He designed and developed a series of highly efficient and selective sapp fb88gle-atom catalyst-mediated organic synthesis systems. His developments have proven practical app fb88 synthesizapp fb88g simple molecular substrates and have been extended to complex substrates, app fb88cludapp fb88g natural products, pharmaceuticals, and pesticides, offerapp fb88g valuable practical applications. His work provides new research directions for app fb88tegratapp fb88g sapp fb88gle-atom catalysis with organic synthesis.