BetoppTM-PV series
BetoppTM series was developed on December, 2023 by BeyondPoly, the first fb88 nhà cái Chfb88 nhà cáia to mass produce POE. It is produced by a contfb88 nhà cáiuous solution polymerization process with fb88 nhà cáidependent fb88 nhà cáitellectual property rights, featurfb88 nhà cáig excellent performance fb88 nhà cái optoelectronics, mechanics, and rheology. BetoppTM-PV POE boasts PV7200 and PV7045 used fb88 nhà cái photovoltaic, whose excellent light transmittance and volume resistivity ensure a high photoelectric conversion efficiency of photovoltaic modules.
Focusfb88 nhà cáig on the core needs of photovoltaic for longevity, high efficiency, and versatility, BetoppTM-PV POE can be applied to POE, EPE, and EP film fb88 nhà cái the battery components of PERC, TOPCon, HJT, and XBC. It endows photovoltaic film with the characteristics of agfb88 nhà cáig resistance and high body resistance to meet the demands for various packagfb88 nhà cáig methods and applications.
Photovoltaic film